Tip 6

Tips in passing the board examination.

*Always read the directions carefully.
@ shading- many examiners failed because of improper shading.
@EXCEPT and NOT- analyze always the question. Some examiners failed in answering the questions because of the word none, except and not.
@E choice- never answer letter E in exam because e is a distructive choice. choose the correct or nearest answer for the question.
@no eraseurs.- papers that use in board exam is scan tron it is carboned that's why if u change your answer it will not read by machine minus parin Yan sa sagot nyo sayang kahit Tama payun.

2. Read your review materials
- if you enrolled in different review center don't compare your reviewer to other source it will fall in confusing answer. Focus on your reviewer if you are not sure of the answer search for it.

3. Always look for the clue-
Look for the clue in every questions. As it's said you should not memorize all the topics you need to be familiarize.

4. Focus
Read carefully the questions focus on what you are reading. Sit relax and be wise.

5. Prayer.
Always pray before and after the exam.

Credit to Sir Melvin Ledoma
